Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tour of the Town

Today was a big day. We actually slept till 5 am so the jetlag maybe wearing off. We ventured into own by bus. It was the quite the site to see, the four of us on the bus. We ended up back were we started, so we got off the bus and hailed a cab. Yes...the bus did a loop.

I thought I was prepared for the cab ride, the address, the restaurant name, the phone number in my pocket. The lovely cab lady did not speak English and we all now how well my Chinese is progressing. I made the mistake of saying what little I knew in Chinese. She went off...we ended up at the wrong destintion. I had to dial the restaurnat's phone number and let her ask for directions. Obviuosly it was my fault, b/c I got punched.

The kids are in the back completely unaware and fist fighting. I couldn't break it up - I was in the front and a divider was between us. I think she told me that is why they only let you have one child in China.

We made it to the restaurant where we met some other expatriots from the States, New Zealand (yes, she has heard of Les Mills) and Germany.

They coined a term for me: TIC. When all also fails remember TIC - This Is China

Xia Jiang for now.


hennhouse said...

Hey Jill and Family,

Congrats on making it to "The Wall!!" Love the picture.

We are so excited to follow your adventures and miss your smiling faces here in town already!



Anonymous said...

Hey there Jill and family!
I also thought you fell off the
face of the earth! So cool to
see your pic on the Wall, you are
soo skinny! How is the food?
China must be amazing!
Keep in touch.