Sunday, November 2, 2008

4 days to go


I guess the fact that my family is going to China came as a shock to some. That is everyone who did not know that my father moved in with me.

We are going to live in QingDao, China for business. Chris's company, Spaulding Composites is sending us over for 3 to 6 months. We will live in a condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I should be there just in time for the International Beer Festival. The Tsing Dao Brewery is located there. That is how I came up with the name for my blog.

You see the family was out for dinner at a Chnese restaurant and I ordered a Tsing Dao Beer. The waiter repeated, "Tsing Dao?" and my daughter says," Yeah, it's Chinese for Bud Light." I personally think its a better beer then bud light, but IOMO (it's only my oponion). Apperently in 1897 Qing Dao was ceded to the Germans and they built the brewery...who knew.

I will start packing tomorrow - I keep putting it off. I'll do it when we actually have a VISA and I believe that I am going. Have I mentioned that I am in denial. Denial is an anagram for Denali.


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