Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pros and Cons

As we approach the 30 day visa expiration of my first entry into China....I have to decide if 1. I pay lot of money to extend the visa 2. Fly to Hong Kong and then re-enter for the next 30 days...or 3. just go home. So to help make the decision, I came up with a list of pros and cons. I am going to list them here and hope that me decision becomes clear....

Pro – We have a washing machine.
Con – No dryer. Nobody like to wear crunchy clothes, especially underwear. Jackson has the job of beating clothes to soften.

Pro – We have an electric toilet. It heats the seat, cleans, dries and auto flushes among other things.
Con – Every time it performs a function it beeps very, very loudly. Courtesy flushes are next to impossible.

Pro – Everyone has their own room
Con – Denali has the best room and the other two are afraid to sleep alone!!

Pro – I’m not living with my father for the moment
Con – My father is living in my house!

Pro – I have all day everyday with my children
Con – I have all day everyday with my children

Pro – Hundreds of face products to choose from
Con – All labels are in Chinese characters. Most skin products are whitening formula. I thought I was in toothpaste isle.

Pro – I found potato chips
Con – They come in meat or potato flavor?

Pro – We are learning the bus routes
Con – The buses are very crowded and the children like to stand and so who falls first.

Pro – Jackson said yesterday was the greatest day of his life
Con – It was the greatest day of his life because I found pizza for him to eat

Pro – We have a water cooler in the apartment.
Con – The delivery comes with two 20L bottles of water on his motorcycle. He will not leave without empties. I do not know this. After 10 minutes of gesturing and him refusing to leave – I got the point.

Pro – I can take a taxi anywhere in Qingdao, I am getting Pro at communicating.
Con – Every time I get in taxi, I panic – Will I make it to my destination? Where is my destination? OMG what did I do…I should just get out and get on a bus!!! No, I must remain calm; the kids are in the back.

Pro – The kids have started Tae Kwon Do and piano lessons. Both places were very accepting and welcoming. They kids are enjoying them.
Con – I have to leave the apartment and get in a cab or bus and hope I make it to my final destination - Oh no, did I tell the cab driver the wrong thing? Maybe I should just get out and
look at my map again

Monday, November 24, 2008

Out and About

Well we did it. We got a babysitter and went out for a night in Qingdao. How's this for a shocker, the sitter had such a fun time with my three kids that she didn't want Me to pay her. Imagine that, plus we got home at 12:30am and they were all still up.

I think my Chinese gets much better in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol I consume. I was fluent by the time we got home. The cab driver didn't understand me, but it was because he spoke a different dialect then I. You do believe me don't you?

The next day we woke up and decided to hike up Mt. Fushan. I have a hard time referring to it as Mt Fushan as shan means mountain and it is thus quite redundant. Here I am with my three maps, plotting the path of least resistance to find the park and the trail. I commit it to memory and know the bus system by heart, so we head out.

This is Chris's actual first time walking the streets of Qingdao with family in tow, so he is wondering why everybody is running to windows and staring at us. Welcome to our world. Of course my navigating skills are continuously questioned. The family is about to give up, but we are coaxed onward by all the locals. Alas we reach a trail and began to follow it. We make it halfway up the mountain and I innocently ask Chris if he thinks we found the trail. Honestly, it wasn't a wise crack. I was expecting to see a temple and a gate before me. Chris's legs are tired and he thought I was being sarcastic (since he doubted my navigating skills) so we head back down without making it to the top. Now we have something to do! We stop at a market and get some fresh strawberries. It is not odd to me that fruit and vegetables are sold from the back of a pick up, what is odd is that they use a digital scale and weigh to the hundredths of a kilo!!!!

On the way down I stop at the fitness club to take a Bodyjam class. The schedule was changed and I ended up taking a Belly Dancing class. All I can say is, it's a good thing I don't know anybody!!!
Until next time....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Week two is drawing to a close and I must say that things do not appear as dismal as they did at the end of week one. The city of Qingdao is starting to appear "normal". The locals do not seem as shocked to see the four us walking down the street and we are getting used to the bus system. Yes, we still have to occasionally get off the bus to take a taxi because we are lost. Jackson has found a solution to this problem - every time we leave the apartment, we are pirates. Armed with our treasure maps(the English, Pinyin and Chinese character versions), we venture out into the wild blue sea (Qingdao city) in search of a treasure (our destination). Denali is not at all impressed with my navigating skills and McKinkley is constantly telling me to just give up and call David. David is our host and the guy my husbands works with. I'm sure he would just laugh at me (in fun of course). He seems to find great amusement in the trials and tribulations of an American Family in Qingdao. Then again, who doesn't?

The children started taking Tae Kwon Do. They are following a Korean Master and therefore need to speak Korean. The other children are Chinese and so it may be an even playing field since only the instructors speak Korean. I will have to take pictures of them in the oufits and post. The uniforms look great - very authentic. It turns out that the wife of the Tae Kwon Do Master is a gymnastics Coach. She is going to arrange for Denali to have private training sessions. Denali may get to keep up her skills after all!!! I think I actually saw her smile. We haven't told Chris yet, because he is hoping that this is the end of gymnastics!!!

I must say that I have met some very nice people. I need to thank everyone for all the support I am getting from back home as well as the help from the people in Qingdao. That is everyone except for my father, who is living the life of Reilly in my house. Did I mention that he is living in my house and I am in China???

We went to Polar World and had a great time. The Beluga Whale is so interactive. I am sure it could see us. The dolphin and sea lion show was exciting, too bad it wasn't in English. Imagine that...American indignation reared its ugly dare they!!! As a snack, I ordered a hot dog. It came on a stick. Jackson thought that was the funniest thing he ever saw in his life. We then ended our afternoon at a KFC. Yes, a KFC. Popcorn chicken and french fires. McKinley was so happy she had tears in her eyes. Alas, the food comes.....nobody liked the chicken. I said, "dip it in ketchup, everything is better in ketchup". So McKinley dips. eats and finds her mouth on fire. The chicken is bloody spicy. I go get her a glass of water - water in China is served hot, boiling hot. She chugs, burns her mouth, spits it out, cries and screams she hates me. Luckily KFC is close to empty. I'm not sure if McKinley is just in physical pain or mental pain from not being able to eat the chicken. I bribe her with an extra box of french fries and we escape. I did not look back.

Onward we head into week 3.

Monday, November 17, 2008

When knowing just a little bit is too much

The day arrived. I could wait no longer. I had to get my nails done. For 3 years minimum now I have had pink and white acrylic overlay on my nails. The nails grew out so much that I needed a fill. I was ready. Armed with proper pronunciation, a vocabulary sheet and bravery...I ventured out to a nail salon. If you don't know acrylic nails are tough resin cured polymer with a UV cured top coat. To say the least, they are indestructible - At least so I thought!!

You see, in the States, to remove this coating one must soak their fingers in HOT acetone for 45 minutes and then have the nail technician file them off with a power sander - I kid you not.

So, its Sunday, my first day away from my wonderful children in 15 days 10 hours, 37 minutes and 10 seconds or was it a year. I am off to a Les Mills BodyCombat class. Sure its in Chinese, but I understand the universal language and manage to have a great workout. I change, and head on over to the mall and walk into the nail salon. Let me remind you that my favorite expression is, "There is a very fine line between bravery and stupidity"

I tell the nail lady that I need a fill. We seem to understand each other, I sit and she starts to work. She has no idea what is on my nails. I then make the mistake of saying in Chinese, Nail too long, please make shorter. Apparently that is not what I said, b/c next thing I knew all my nails were clipped off. Yes. I can now type 100 words per minute as I can use my fingertips for the first time in years. The expression of horror transcends many languages and my expression was understood. The tech got upset. After several phone calls and conference phone call with at least 5 people, we were able to agree on just removing what acrylic was left. Mind you, in the states, I said they use HOT acetone and a power sanding. Well this poor girls had to do all the filing by hand. I mean she went thru at least 6 nail files. White powder and 3 hours later, I have a little cut on my finger. The owner makes her discount the already ridiculous low price of 100RMB (about 6.8 USD). She doesn't want to. Can you blame her, she worked hard. Finally she does. I feel terrible, so I try to slip her a tip. That makes it worse. She starts to cry and runs in the bathroom.

Finally I agree not to tip and she finishes my nails with some new funky gradually shiny polish. Not bad really. Remeber, she speaks no English and any pretense I may have had of understanding her has flown right out the window. Here is a pic.

So for the first time since Jackson was born, I am down to my natural nail. I think I will go back next week for a new acrylic coat - that is if they let me in!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

End of Week 1

We made it through our first week. It has been rough, but also exhilarating. Nothing is easy. It's a combination of not speaking the language, not knowing how to do things and not knowing where I am. Most people, except for a taxi driver here and there, are very helpful. I am actually starting to communicate to some extent.

We were able to get to a mall, do some shopping and get home with minor incident. I found and import store and bought some Mac and Cheese and microwave popcorn!!!! My husband told me that if I get stuck or lost I can call him and he will come help. Well, I called him and he was locked outside the apartment and wasn't able to help. McKinley, the sensitive one, started to cry, then it started to rain and the big giant Teddy bears we bought started to get wet!!! It was a busy Friday night and the buses were standing room only- No place for three kids with giant Teddy Bears!!! We went to a hotel , had some tea and waited for cab. My three children and their giant Teddy bears drinking Tea in Qingdao...I had to laugh. We had many people taking our pictures and watching.

The kids aren't quite hungry enough to start eating yet. They will eventually have to eat!!! We went to a Korean BBQ restaurant the other night, Hengboo. Not quite sue what we ate, but it was very tasty. Jackson had absolutely nothing, he actually fell asleep - must be lack of nutrition.

I am getting to the point where I can look at a map and figure things out. It takes three maps to navigate. One has the landmarks, the second is written in semi-English and the third has the necessary information, but is completely in Chinese. What, they didn't know I was coming and didn't have a map made for me.

I found a health club...downstairs from the Health Club I signed the kids up for Tae Kwon Do. I spend 8 hours driving around Qingdao looking for a place for Denali to gymnastics. We found some bars (outside) at the University and an area on the beach where she has been working her back tucks and front handsprings. She hates me. If you know Denali though, that is nothing new.

I've learned alot.. I am going to have personal business cards made up and I bought a business card portfolio. We get cards from every place we go so that we can get back there. Just show the card to the cab driver. Well, I am off to try my first Chinese Fitness Class...Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tour of the Town

Today was a big day. We actually slept till 5 am so the jetlag maybe wearing off. We ventured into own by bus. It was the quite the site to see, the four of us on the bus. We ended up back were we started, so we got off the bus and hailed a cab. Yes...the bus did a loop.

I thought I was prepared for the cab ride, the address, the restaurant name, the phone number in my pocket. The lovely cab lady did not speak English and we all now how well my Chinese is progressing. I made the mistake of saying what little I knew in Chinese. She went off...we ended up at the wrong destintion. I had to dial the restaurnat's phone number and let her ask for directions. Obviuosly it was my fault, b/c I got punched.

The kids are in the back completely unaware and fist fighting. I couldn't break it up - I was in the front and a divider was between us. I think she told me that is why they only let you have one child in China.

We made it to the restaurant where we met some other expatriots from the States, New Zealand (yes, she has heard of Les Mills) and Germany.

They coined a term for me: TIC. When all also fails remember TIC - This Is China

Xia Jiang for now.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Great Wall

As I walk along the Great Wall. My Cellphone unexpectedly rings. Alas, it is my father calling to let me know that he has procured vaccuum cleaner bags. Have I mentioned that he is living in my house??

Sunday, November 2, 2008

4 days to go


I guess the fact that my family is going to China came as a shock to some. That is everyone who did not know that my father moved in with me.

We are going to live in QingDao, China for business. Chris's company, Spaulding Composites is sending us over for 3 to 6 months. We will live in a condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I should be there just in time for the International Beer Festival. The Tsing Dao Brewery is located there. That is how I came up with the name for my blog.

You see the family was out for dinner at a Chnese restaurant and I ordered a Tsing Dao Beer. The waiter repeated, "Tsing Dao?" and my daughter says," Yeah, it's Chinese for Bud Light." I personally think its a better beer then bud light, but IOMO (it's only my oponion). Apperently in 1897 Qing Dao was ceded to the Germans and they built the brewery...who knew.

I will start packing tomorrow - I keep putting it off. I'll do it when we actually have a VISA and I believe that I am going. Have I mentioned that I am in denial. Denial is an anagram for Denali.