Sunday, December 7, 2008

Visa Issues Solved

It's been a very busy week since the last posting. We actually all have our resident permits and not a day too soon. I was almost in danger of my 30 day visa expiring and having to go home. That would be great except for the fact that my father is living there and he changed all the locks and probably won't let me in!!! In fact, not only does my dog and snake now like him beter than me, but he assures me that the neighbors and town also prefer his company to mine. I really resent him living in my house. Have I mentioned that?

To get my resident permit I had to go have a physical. Blood drawn, EKG, ultrasound, everything. Well, here I am in top physical shape and I just go and fail my physical. They say I am anemic. At least that is how I understood the description of why I was not to receive my health certificate. A trip to the Chinese medicine store, a few glass vials of potion and a steak is all I needed to pass the test. Chris says it is a good thing that I studied!!!

Last Saturday we went on an adventure to find a German Chrismas market. We were so close, but never quite got there. We did find our way to the train station and some nice parks.

As we walked further and further into as Chris put it "the bowels of Qingdao, I begin to panic. I guess Chris was still upset over the fact that people were selling live turtles to appreciate my state of panic. After all, he will stop his car in the middle of a highway to help a turtle cross the road. That was it, I got on the next bus and I didn't care where it went.

We make it back into town where we find a new grocery store to try out. Jackson loved the seafood aisle!!

As we were taking a bus the other day in search of Mexican restaurant, Jackson claimed that all his hair is falling out from starvation. Denali quickly corrected him as she often does, and tells him that its not from starvation but rather from scurvey. Nobody will sit next to him now because he has scurvey. We found the Mexican Restaurant. It was great. They had Corona and Mckinley couldn't even finish her food she was still stuffed. We had a hard time explaining to the waitress why Jackson and Denali had to suck on the limes that came with the Corona. Limes cure scurvey and, as I mentioned in previous post, we are pirates!!!

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